Gastroenterology & Hepatology

RADIO INTERVIEW – Why Transnasal Gastro Endoscopy is better – BFM 89.9

Catch my interview with Presenter Meera Sivasothy, on BFM 89.9 as I share why Transnasal Gastro Endoscopy IS actually a BIG...

Can Your Gut Affect Your Sleep? Find out NOW!

Bad gut = Bad sleep = Bad gut. Bad sleep = Weight GAIN! Lets jump into it.

VIDEO – Simplifying Hepatitis B

One hepatitis is not all hepatitis!

Get in touch faster! We have a new number!

get in touch now!!!

The ABCs of Viral Hepatitis

Dubbed the “silent epidemic”, millions are unknowingly living with the disease. If you are unsure of your condition, consider consulting a...

Decode your poop’s hidden messages! Unveil NOW for fascinating revelations!

The colour, does it float, the consistency, there's a lot your Poo can tell you about your health! LOOK before you FLUSH!

VIDEO – What are Polyps?

Polyps!: Some simply basics to take home!

Fantastic Hair When You Treat Your Gut! Don’t Miss Out! Act Now!

Can you really use your GUT for better more stylish hair? Watch the video to find out more!

VIDEO – FB LIVE on Bernama TV Great to be back at Bernama TV again. But this time around, due to the MCO, we...

Coeliac Disease: Good Food That May Be Harming You! Act NOW!

Are you a Bread, Beer and Pizza lover? Well, this video is made for you!

That Gut Feeling

Published on Women's Weekly Find out what’s troubling your tummy – it could change your life!

Weight loss shortcuts you need to know! Now!

New options on Weight loss solutions on BernamaTV with legendary host, Gerard Ratnam.

VIDEO – Gastric Cancer Not A Big Deal? Think Again!

Do you know that Gastric Cancer is ranked the 6th commonest cancer, and 1 of the top 3 cancers that could kill...

VIDEO BM: Cara-caraMengurangkanBerat Badan tanpapembedahan

Mempersembahkan rakaman pertama kami dalam Bahasa Malaysia mengenai "Cara-cara Mengurangkan Berat Badan tanpa menjalani pembedahan"

Would you recommend probiotics to treat diarrhea?

It’s not as simple as a yes or a no answer. Yes, I have prescribed probiotics to treat diarrhea and yes...

Stretta – A Modern Reflux Solution Just For You! Now! Suffering from Dragon Breath, as in waking up with a sour taste in your mouth...

It’s NOT always hemorrhoids. Act NOW when you see blood in your Poo!

Even a single drop of blood in your poo could spell DANGER!. NEVER downplay it. Seek Help Immediately! Watch the video to find out more!

You see, I see. What is U.C. (Ulcerative Colitis)?

U.C. (Ulcerative Colitis) is one of the 2 main types of IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease). Watch this video to find out more.

Low Blood Count? Do Not Start Iron Replacement! Act Now!

Nooooooo... Do not jump into the conclusion too soon. Find out about its causes first. Enjoy watching.

GERD Can harm your social life! Find out how, Now!

Everyone's social life "IS" their life! Here are 5 ways GERD can really derail things for you. So Pay attention!

VIDEO – Is there a link between Infertility & the Gut?

Fertility issues can be very sensitive in nature and distressing to some. Undoubtedly the appropriate fertility specialist is sought and the...

Ramadhan and your GUT. Understand it now!

Check out my latest interview on Bernama TV to talk about our diets during Ramadhan.

Cancer Markers: What do they say about you? Act now!

Do you know that a health screen test without cancer makers do not necessarily confirm you as CANCER FREE? Watch now.

Stretta: A true game changer in the world of GERD management. Watch it Now!

Stretta: a non surgical "cure" to reflux/GERD

When others can’t help, a Gastroenterologist may be the answer. Find one now!

STOP!. It may be you GUT causing your chest pains, coughs, headaches, asthma symptoms, sinusitis etc. Watch the Video to find out how!

What is IBD and why you shall take note

Let me first say that, having worked in the UK and treated the more severe end of this condition, it is...