Home Gastroenterology & Hepatology Coeliac Disease: Good Food That May Be Harming You! Act NOW!

Coeliac Disease: Good Food That May Be Harming You! Act NOW!

Are you a Bread, Beer, and Pizza lover? Well, this video is made for you!

5 Points on what we covered in the vid (as always, better just watch the vid, it’s quite short anyway!)

  1. Celiac disease is an autoimmune reaction
  2. Women get it more than men
  3. Cases are rising in Asia
  4. Can lead to severe malabsorption issues, anaemia, osteoporosis and even cancers
  5. The gold standard to diagnosis is via Endoscopy
  6. No! you can’t have a CHEAT day!

Have a nice day!

Doctor Prabhjot,

Doctor Prabhjot has been a Consultant in Gastroenterology & Hepatology in the UK for 19 years and is now back in Malaysia. With this blog, he aims to raise awareness of healthy living so we can all enjoy life to the fullest.

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