Home Gastroenterology & Hepatology Tea: Can it help with bloating and stomach pains? Find out now!!!

Tea: Can it help with bloating and stomach pains? Find out now!!!

T is for Tea!.

Is it good for you? or more specifically, is it good for boating and stomach pains?

start- what types of teas are out there

middle- general health benefits

middle to end- is it good for your gut?

watch all the way to the end for somethings you have have never thought about!

Have a nice day!
Doctor Prabhjot,

Doctor Prabhjot,

Doctor Prabhjot has been a Consultant in Gastroenterology & Hepatology in the UK for 19 years and is now back in Malaysia. With this blog, he aims to raise awareness of healthy living so we can all enjoy life to the fullest.

#Teas #DoctorPrabhjot​​ #gastroenterologist​​ #hepatologist​​ #MindYourGut​​