Home Gastroenterology & Hepatology VIDEO – Super Reflux: You Could Already Have it. Act Now!

VIDEO – Super Reflux: You Could Already Have it. Act Now!

So you have probably heard of GERD, GORD, reflux, heartburn etc but have you heard of…….. Super Reflux? It is a real thing and maybe something you have and don’t even know you do! Watch the video below to find out more! As always, if you find this video useful, its likely someone else will do too. SHARE it!

Super reflux AKA Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR)!

#doctorprabhjot #reflux #GERD #GORD #LPR #Cancer #gastroenterology.

3 point summary of the very short video

  1. Super reflux = Laryngopharyngeal reflux = silent reflux
  2. No heartburn = not standard symptoms = you may not act on it
  3. Not acting on it = increases the risk of strictures and cancers
Doctor Prabhjot has been a Consultant in Gastroenterology & Hepatology in the UK for 19 years and is now back in Malaysia. With this blog, he aims to raise awareness of healthy living so we can all enjoy life to the fullest.


#reflux #doctor.prabhjot #cancer #GERD #indigestion #STRETTA #heartburn #gastritis #endoscopy #CENGILD AraDamansara #DoctorPrabhjot​​ #gastroenterologist​​ #hepatologist​​ #MindYourGut​​ #weightloss #finally

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STRETTA #What triggers reflux?
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Which fruit is good for acid reflux?
Is reflux serious?
Is reflux a bad thing?
Is reflux good or bad?
How long should reflux last for?
How long can stomach reflux last?
Is Milk good for acid reflux?
How do I stop acid reflux at night?
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When should I be worried about reflux?
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What age is reflux the worst?
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Is it OK to live with acid reflux?
What causes reflux to worsen?
What part of the day is reflux worse?
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Can acid reflux damage your heart?
Can acid reflux damage you?
How do you stop acid reflux from getting worse?
What position should I sleep in for acid reflux?
What position makes acid reflux worse?
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What is silent reflux?
Is GERD the same as reflux?
Can you see acid reflux endoscopy?
Can I drink water after taking Gaviscon?
What foods cause acid reflux?
Does drinking hot water help acid reflux?
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What tests confirm reflux?
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Can I heal GERD on my own?
How do I stop acid reflux at night?
Is milk good for acid reflux?
What is the main cause of GERD?
What are the 8 symptoms of GERD?
How can I cure my GERD?
Is GERD a serious disease?
Will GERD go away?
What foods should I avoid if I have GERD?
What is a fast fix for GERD?
Does drinking water help acid reflux?
Can you live long with GERD?
What are the warning signs of GERD?
Does stress cause GERD?
Can I drink coffee with GERD?
Can lack of sleep cause acid reflux?
How long will it take to recover from GERD?
What are the 4 stages of GERD?
When should I worry about my GERD?
Can you heal GERD without medication?
Is Gaviscon good for acid reflux?
How do you test for GERD?
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